Sign up for our loyalty program.
It’s free and it only takes a minute.
Make a purchase at any
Higher Collective location during
the promo period.
Enjoy a 20% discount on all
your purchases until you’ve saved
a total of $1,000
The Founders Club is an exclusive program at our Connecticut cannabis dispensaries designed to reward our valued customers. Members enjoy a 20% discount on all products until they’ve saved $1,000.
To become a member, make a purchase at one of our dispensaries during the promotional period and sign up for our loyalty program.
Members receive a 20% discount on all purchases until they’ve saved a total of $1,000.
Yes, the 20% discount will remain in effect until you’ve saved a total of $1,000 through the program.
Your savings are automatically tracked in our system. To check your status, email
Do not use cannabis if you are under twenty-one years of age. Keep cannabis out of the reach of children.
Copyright © 2025 Higher Collective. All Rights Reserved.