Higher Collective 420 Deals Dayville
420 Dispensary Deals Near Me
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Join our loyalty program and earn 5-10% back on every purchase! It’s free to join and easy to save. The
Refer a friend and earn 10 points ($10 off) when they make their first purchase. You both win – spread
Sign up for emails here and get a $10 Boost (10 points) in your rewards wallet! First-time members only. Valid
Every Wednesday at Higher Collective, spend $75+ to spin our prize wheel! Win free merch, surprise discounts, and more. Your
10% off for veterans, teachers, students, first responders, medical & social workers. In-store discount, ID required. Not combinable with other
It's always 4/20 at Higher Collective
But when THE April 20th celebration rolls around we get even more excited! Originating in the 1970s among a group of high school students, this day has blossomed into a worldwide celebration of cannabis culture and advocacy for its legalization. And here at Higher Collective, we’re buzzing with anticipation to make this 420 unforgettable for you in CT! So, what are you waiting for? Drop by our dispensary and join in on the festivities! Let’s make this year’s celebration one for the books!
Our Best 420 Cannabis Deals near Dayville
We’re pulling out all the stops to ensure your 420 experience is nothing short of amazing! Picture this: jaw-dropping deals, amazing bundles both in-store and online, featuring an array of top-notch cannabis products like Bundles, Edibles, Vapes, Flower, Concentrates that’ll elevate your celebration to new heights. From tantalizing discounts on our expansive selection to keeping you in the loop about the hottest local events and festivities, we’ve got you covered.